Polska Darmowe Og³oszenia
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Credit controller

Warszawa, Wroclaw,

Odpowiedz: (U¿yj zak³adki Kontakt powy¿ej)

Typ og³oszenia: Dam Prace

Opis stanowiska:

Competent in IFRS accounting
Ability to read and assess balance sheets
Ensure compliance with divisional policies on credit risk
Strong emphasis on balance sheet controls
Ability to develop and amend divisional control procedures for the business including financial, commercial and operational procedures
Good inter- personal skills
Work with the local finance and commercial teams to ensure zero or measured risk is taken on credit depending on trading geography.


Ability to work with the divisional team on month end reporting.
Willingness to travel and work for short assignments on new acquisition projects globally.
Work with the divisional control team to ensure that the monthly reporting Credit Control packs are delivered on time and with an excellent degree of accuracy
Develop reporting structures where they do not exist to compliance with group reporting requirements (monthly reports and group accounting bi annual requirements)

WIÊCEJ INFORMACJI https://https://recrute.pl/praca/id/17232 »

Og³oszenie dodane: Sroda, 24 Kwiecien, 2019  19:05

Identyfikator: 656270

Wy¶wietleñ: 1971

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