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Looking for a man who can sponsor me


Odpowiedz: (U¿yj zak³adki Kontakt powy¿ej)

Numer telefonu: (Widoczny tylko dla posiadaczy kont VIP)

Jeste¶ : Kobiet±

Wyjazdy: Tak

Wiek: 21 lat

Wzrost: 170 cm

Waga: 60 kg

I am young student living currently in Kraków.
I am looking for a relation with a man (not older than 38 years old) without sex. I am looking for a man who can sponsor me with a good amount of money. This offer is for man who are not poor, are decisive, are spontanoues and are willing to have a that kind of relation with young girl and also who miss a woman in their life. I can offer you good company, good talks, good laugh. I can't say that things like kisses won't have place in our relation but some time has to pass and we have to start to trust each other. I know, I can't offer you sex but it is not the most important thing, I just can be your friend, your partner for some time and give you a good company in your day to day existence.

Og³oszenie dodane: Wtorek, 27 Kwiecien, 2021  14:48

Identyfikator: 700455

Wy¶wietleñ: 2246

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