Polska Darmowe Og³oszenia
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ALL POLAND, Warszawa,

Odpowiedz: (U¿yj zak³adki Kontakt powy¿ej)

Numer telefonu: (Widoczny tylko dla posiadaczy kont VIP)

Jeste¶ : Kobiet±

Wyjazdy: Tak

Wiek: -------

Wzrost: -------

Waga: -------

Hi, my name is Claudia and I'm independent escort. I'm tall and nice shaped dark hair girl with big sized breasts. I offer discretion, comprehension, fun and relaxing time. I have a great sense of humor and spontaneus personality, and as if this were not enough I'm intelligent too. My inspiration is film, photography, music, fashion, other cultures and literature. Basicly I like to developed myself. My services are aimed to those people who are looking for exceptional, female escort services. I'm perfect companion for any ocasion and spending much of time in Poland. If You want girlfriend experience, not only call girl - you are looking for me.
. I prefer first contact by mail.


Og³oszenie dodane: Piatek, 02 Lipiec, 2010  17:14

Identyfikator: 197050

Wy¶wietleñ: 47382

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Podobne og³oszenia

  1. Uk³adanie kostki brukowej £om¿a
  2. Us³ugi Remontowo - Budowlane
  3. Urodzê dziecko bezdzietnej parze.
  4. Us³ugi ogrodnicze i systemy nawadniaj±ce
  5. US£UGI DEKARSKIE, 662-508-372