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Og³oszenie Nr: A632192

Bar with champagne in Warsaw – Bubbles Bar & Restaurant (Warszawa)

Og³oszenie dodane: Poniedzialek, 16 Kwiecien, 2018  10:24
Zaktualizowane: Poniedzialek, 16 Kwiecien, 2018  10:25
Wygasnie: Wtorek, 16 Kwiecien, 2019  10:24

Bubbles Bar & Restaurant is an unique place in Warsaw, where you can try champagnes and sparkling wines from all over the world. We want to show our Guests that there is no need to wait for a special occasion, because bubbles go perfectly with simple but delicious dishes. Bubbles from all over the world, delicious cocktails, excellent food, helpful and professional staff and unique atmosphere – that is what makes Bubbles Bar & Restaurant stand out as the best bar in Warsaw.
Only here you will get the chance to find out that bubbles can be used not only for celebration, but they also go perfectly with simple meals. Huge range of bubbles accentuates excellent cooking that combines simple ingredients into unexpected compositions. Our menu is a combination of traditional Polish dishes, variations of them as well as courses inspired by European flavors, mostly French and Spanish. It includes: huge range of regional cold cuts and cheeses, Raclette from the oven, tomato tartare, seafood, seasoned meats and unconventional desserts.
Besides specials from Italy, Spain and France you will also find delicacies from small, Polish companies who provide us with regional gems of the highest quality. Bubbles is not only Champagne, we have also a huge choice of wines from Italy and Spain. Stronger alcohol admirers can expect meeting the biggest brands of classic alcohols as well as surprises from local distilleries. Whether you are looking for a place to celebrate a special occasion or you want to spend a chill afternoon with your friends – Bubbles Bar in Warsaw is always a great choice.
Visit us and let us prove you that bubbles are a perfect addition to every meal.
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